What to Feed Cockroaches

If you’re not sure what to feed cockroaches, there are several common food items that they like. They prefer sweet stuff, meat, cheese, and starches, and will also feed on paper, cardboard, leather, and wood. Additionally, they’ll eat human waste, skin, and fingernails.

Cockroaches also love meat, and will eat any scraps they can find. Any type of meat will do. Since meat is rich in protein and fat, cockroaches will also eat leftovers from meat dishes. If you’re worried about roaches destroying your home, consider hiring a pest control company to treat the problem.

Cockroaches don’t have a favorite food, but they do like organic foods. They also like decayed matter, which is easily available in the home. Cockroaches will also eat dead insects, soap, and cheese. If you’ve been tempted to feed your cockroaches, try giving them a healthy meal made from organic foods.

If you have cockroaches in your home, you can reduce their number and prevent future infestations by ensuring that you keep your kitchen and pantry clean and free from food crumbs. One of the best ways to prevent cockroach infestations is to prevent unopened food items from being left out overnight.

Aside from food, cockroaches will also eat human hair. The smell of hair may attract them. Hair also contains oily products that roaches enjoy. Cockroaches will also eat paper that is sticky or contains glue. Leaving paper grocery bags and contact paper out of the house will also provide roaches with an easy-to-access meal.