What to Do With Cockroaches in Apartments

One of the first steps in dealing with cockroaches in your apartment is to clean frequently. You should always keep your kitchen and bathroom surfaces free from crumbs and leftover food, as these will be attractive to cockroaches. You should also clean the garbage can regularly. Avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink overnight, as this will attract cockroaches through the drains. Always make sure to remove garbage on time and dispose of it in the proper garbage bag. Keeping your apartment dry and clean is also essential.

Once you have determined the cause of the roach infestation, you must determine whether to treat the problem yourself or contact your landlord. In case of a severe infestation, you should consult a professional pest control company. You should also clean out the items that have been infested with roaches, and report the infestation to your landlord.

If you’ve identified a problem apartment-wide, it’s important to make sure that the roaches aren’t spreading from room to room. Using a pest control treatment is the best way to get rid of them. You’ll need to make sure the building management has access to all areas of the building.

You can also use traps for roaches. A trap consists of a sticky substance that roaches must crawl into. When the roaches fall into the trap, they will be killed because they’ll be unable to get food or water. Once dead, you should dispose of the traps in an exterior garbage can.