What Should I Do If I See a Cockroach in My House?

Cockroaches breed quickly and produce egg cases, called oothecae, which are long, brown capsules that contain cockroach eggs. You can see them in areas where there are other signs of roach activity, such as in corners and dark areas of your house. These cases are often very difficult to spot, but they can help you identify where the roach is nesting.

The first step in getting rid of cockroaches is eliminating their food sources. Cockroaches eat foods in your garbage bin and they also take advantage of dirty dishes. So, the first step in getting rid of them is to eliminate these food sources immediately. Since cockroaches need food in order to survive, depriving them of it immediately will make them leave the area.

The next step is to seal up the holes where cockroaches enter your house. Cracks and gaps around doors and windows are ideal places for cockroaches to enter your home. You can fill up these gaps with caulk to prevent them from entering the house. Cockroaches can cause serious problems, so be sure to keep your home free of cockroaches.

Another step is to check for brown smear marks, a common sign of cockroach poop. Cockroaches leave behind brown smear marks around damp areas. These smear marks can attract other roaches to the area.