What Is the Litter Size of a Cockroach?

A cockroach’s litter size is determined by the number of eggs in its body. A female cockroach lays a light-colored, rectangular egg case about three-fourths of an inch long, which will hatch in about six to eight weeks. It takes about a year for an adult cockroach to reach its full size. Adult cockroaches are golden-tan in color with light-colored bands on their pronotum, wings, and abdomen. A female cockroach can produce 150 or more eggs over the course of her lifetime.

German cockroaches produce the largest number of eggs per female. The female cockroach carries the egg case until the eggs hatch. It may hold up to fifty eggs in a single ootheca. The egg-laying process takes between fifty to seventy-three days. The cockroach population multiplies quickly because of the large number of eggs it produces.

Cockroaches have different activity periods depending on their age, life stage, and physiological condition. During the mating season, adult females are active, while gravid females are inactive and spend their time near food and water. The males are largely stationary and spend most of their time hiding in harborage. During the last three days of each instar, cockroach nymphs become immobile and prepare to molt. A third of the nymphs will not be visible during a regular inspection.

Oriental cockroaches live for six to twelve months and produce about 200 eggs. During the hotter months, females prefer cooler climates and outdoor living. During the colder months, they may seek shelter in lower levels of the home. They may also hide in sewers and firewood.