What Family Does Cockroach Belong To?

A cockroach’s body structure is not that different from other insects. It is flat and has a shield-like pronotum that covers the head and thorax. It also has long antennae. Its mouthparts are adapted for chewing, and some species even have wings. The wings of a cockroach are normally leathery, while the hind wings are thin and are not present in all species. Its legs are flat, and are made to fold against the femurs when inactive.

Cockroaches belong to the Cryptocercidae family, with a few distinct differences. They are social insects that live in nests and do not bring back large objects like ants. They do, however, carry back saliva-soaked wood to extend their nest. Female cockroaches use sperm to fertilize their eggs.

Cockroaches have long antennae, which help them detect vibrations. The head contains a brain, compound eyes, and powerful mouthparts. Cockroaches have wings and legs, and most species are nocturnal. The thorax, or abdomen, follows. It has three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. Behind the head is a pronotum, which is an important distinguishing characteristic of many species. Some species of cockroaches can fly, while others cannot.

Cockroaches belong to the Blattodea order, which contains more than 4,000 species. Despite the widespread appearance of cockroaches, they rarely interact with humans. Their name “cockroach” is actually a mispronunciation of the Spanish word cucaracha. The Latin name Blattodea means “shy insect.” Unlike other insect families, cockroaches do not lay eggs in nests.