What Does a Cockroach Look Like?

Many people are terrified of cockroaches and may wonder, “What does a cockroach look like?” Most people think of the standard American cockroach, although there are smaller varieties. Its flat, oval-shaped body is covered in a hard outer shell to protect its wings. Cockroaches have two long antennae, one at each side of its head, and some even have stripes on their backs.

Cockroaches can live in a variety of environments, but typically prefer damp, moist environments where they can find food and water. Their flat bodies and oval shape allow them to fit into small spaces. They are brown, but can appear whitish during their annual moult. They are also difficult to catch.

Typical cockroaches have an oval body with six spiny legs. They also have small, oval antennae and 2 pairs of flat wings. Some species have fully-developed wings, but most rely on crawling. Cockroaches may even jump or fly to escape harsh environmental conditions. A cockroach’s body is generally reddish brown to black. It may also have smear marks on it.

Cockroaches are oval-shaped insects that can be anywhere from 0.25 to 3 inches long. They also have two pairs of wings and large compound eyes. Cockroaches are often mistaken for other types of insects due to their size and appearance.