The Ovaries of Cockroaches

The ovaries of cockroaches are small sacs that are found in the abdominal segment. They are fertilised when male cockroaches deposit sperm in the female’s ejaculatory duct during copulation. The male gonopore, which consists of accessory glands and mushroom glands, contains the gonapophyses, the reproductive organs of the male cockroach.

The female cockroach has ovaries that are located in the second to sixth abdominal segments. The male has a single pair of trilobed testes in the sixth and seventh abdominal segments. It also has phallic glands, or conglobate glands, that help in the formation of spermatophores. The female cockroach lays eight oothecas.

The female cockroach has two pairs of ovaries. Each ovary contains eight ovarian tubules. The ovarioles contain a chain of developing ova. The oviducts from each ovary unite to form a median oviduct.

The ovaries of the female cockroach are located in the third abdominal segment. The ovary contains eight ovarian tubules that open into a median oviduct. The vagina is the external genitalia. The gonapophysis contains sperms and spermatophores. During copulation, these spermatophores release sperms.

The female cockroach has sixteen ovarioles in the ovaries. The male cockroach has one ovary located in the sixth and seventh abdominal segment.