How Tough Are Cockroaches?

Despite their small size, cockroaches are surprisingly tough and hard to kill. Their exoskeletons are made up of overlapping plates and membranes that stretch under pressure. This enables them to survive forceful impacts and fit into small spaces. In addition, they are fast and can squeeze into cracks and crevices.

In fact, cockroaches’ exoskeletons are so tough that they can withstand up to 900 times their body weight. Their stiff, yet flexible, exoskeleton allows them to run quickly and easily and resist pressures of up to 900 times their own weight. The resulting flexibility allows them to scurry off when chased.

However, despite their seemingly tough exteriors, cockroaches’ bodies are still vulnerable to radiation. Cockroaches have undergone various tests to prove their ability to survive high doses of radioactive radiation. In some cases, they have survived for an extended period of time, but they do succumb to the effects of radiation. While this is a surprising feat, it demonstrates that these insects are not invulnerable to radiation.

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley in Berkeley recently studied the durability of cockroaches by filming them entering tight spaces. Using high-speed cameras, they were able to observe the way cockroaches navigate through these small spaces.