How Much Is Cockroach Spray?

Cockroach spray costs can vary considerably. A small infestation can be treated for less than a hundred dollars while a larger infestation may require thousands of dollars. However, DIY treatments are a great option if you are looking to save money. However, you must remember that handling toxic pesticides requires experience and expertise.

Because roaches are small creatures, a small dose will kill them. For that reason, sprays are often highly effective for killing visible roaches. But be aware that sprays will almost certainly result in human exposure. Even if they kill the roaches, you will be exposed to the chemical agent.

Fumigation is another option for treating cockroach infestations. This treatment can be costly, costing about $2,500-$7,500 per square foot. The procedure involves wrapping a plastic bubble around your home and pumping in chemical gasses. During this process, you have to leave the house for 3 days. Another option is the use of glue traps, which work without chemicals but require repeated treatments.

Using perimeter sprays can be an effective way to keep cockroaches out. You should remember to wear a mask and spray a four-inch perimeter around your house. It is important to keep children and pets away until the spray dries up. Indoors, you can use a lower dose than outdoors.