How Much Eggs Do Cockroaches Lay?
The answer to the question of how much eggs do cockroaches put out varies between different species. The American cockroach, for example, will produce about 12 young in every egg case. Then, the adult roach will live from one to two years. Once an adult cockroach dies, the eggs will remain stagnant in the ootheca.
Cockroaches reproduce sexually and asexually. During this process, the female cockroach produces eggs even without having a mate. German cockroaches and American roaches lay their eggs in moist areas such as kitchens, sinks, and cracks. When they lay eggs, they produce pheromones that attract male cockroaches.
The feces produced by cockroaches is a distinctive odor. It looks like black pepper and can stain surfaces. The roaches feed on a wide range of items, including foods, and can even make their way to new friends. They will also carry their egg cases with them until they are near the hatching stage.
Different types of cockroaches lay different amounts of eggs. The German cockroach, for example, lays more eggs per egg case. In fact, the German roach lays up to 16 eggs per ootheca. The eggs are carried by the female for several days before the roaches drop them to the ground. American cockroaches, on the other hand, carry their eggs for a couple days and then deposit the fertilized eggs in a warm, damp place. The eggshells will hatch after about 50 days.