How Long Do Cockroaches Last Without Food?

Cockroaches are very resourceful creatures. While they can survive without food and water for several days, it is not possible to starve them for seven days. They feed on almost anything that is organic, so starving them is virtually impossible. They will search for food everywhere and eat almost anything.

If food is not available, cockroaches will minimize their activities to conserve energy. They use their energy to carry out essential body functions, such as breathing. Because they are cold-blooded, they will move more often if temperatures are high. When temperatures are low, they will hibernate. Nonetheless, cockroaches can go months without eating.

In addition to food, roaches will look for other sources of starch. Binding papers, paper, and wallpaper paste are some of the things roaches like to eat. They also love glue and stamps. Their mouth is among the most primitive in the animal kingdom. It is made up of four parts, including a front part that holds food. The small mouth teeth are used to chew and grind food.

Although some species of cockroaches can last a week or more without food, they don’t prefer this condition. They become more active during the winter and hibernate during the summer. They can even survive for a month without water. Although they are hardy and able to survive without food, they are still susceptible to dehydration. If they go without food for more than a week, they will eventually die of thirst.