How Hard Is It To Kill German Cockroaches?

When trying to eliminate roaches in your home, you need to consider how they got inside. You might be able to stop them in their tracks, but you will still need to find a way to eliminate their food and water sources. The best way to accomplish this is to prevent their access to the place in the first place. This will make your home a less inviting place for them, which will help them disperse and die off naturally. To accomplish this, you can use a variety of methods.

The first step in controlling the infestation is to identify the type of roaches you have. You can do this by looking at their appearance. German cockroaches are small, usually not larger than half an inch. They are tan in color with two black stripes running down their backs. While they look similar to the Asian cockroach, they are largely found in southern states and prefer outdoor environments.

During the day, the German cockroaches can be visible, but they prefer dark, moist areas. For example, you can find them in places like the refrigerator, where they will often be able to hide and breed. You should be able to remove them with a gentle tug and remove their food sources. You should also make sure to inspect the coils on the refrigerator as well.