How Far Will Cockroaches Travel?

Cockroaches do not always migrate to your neighbor’s home. In fact, they are often brought into your home by other means, including luggage, grocery bags, and taxi fares. In addition, they can hitchhike on items, such as cardboard boxes, and may enter your home through garbage trucks. Even one pregnant female cockroach can create an infestation.

When moving into a new apartment or house, it is important to be aware of potential roach entry points. In particular, check cracks, spaces around windows and doors, and vents or drains. You should also check for used furniture, which can attract cockroaches.

Cockroaches spend about 75 percent of their time in hiding. This is due to their small bodies, which allow them to fit into small places. In fact, some species of cockroaches are highly successful in attracting humans due to their ability to hide in small areas. They only come out of hiding in the dark. They only travel as far as they need to for food and mates. They usually stay within 10 feet of a food source.

Once you have determined that cockroaches are infesting your home, you should make your house as secure as possible. Sealing cracks on your property will prevent them from escaping your property.