How Easy Is It To Bring Cockroaches Home?

If you’re planning on visiting a friend or family member, it’s crucial to remember that you might bring cockroaches home with you. The best way to prevent cockroaches is to clean your bags and clothes after visiting them. This will help you remove any eggs and kill any adult cockroaches you may bring home. It’s also important to ask if your friend has cockroaches or an infestation in their home. If they do, you should treat your home and leave your high-risk items outside or in their car.

Another way to protect yourself from roaches is to wash your dishes and utensils thoroughly before placing them into storage. Check your food as well, and throw away any suspicious food. You should also inspect your plants, and check the dirt in your pots for movement. If you notice any signs of movement in the leaves or stems, discard them.

Roaches are attracted to homes by a variety of factors, but the main one is that they can easily find an entrance. Cockroaches like moist environments and food sources. A window or door with a small gap can also be an easy entry point.

When moving into a new home, it’s crucial to check your new home for cockroaches. If they’ve been infested in the previous residence, they can easily get in your new home if you move your boxes into the new space. Also, fill in any cracks or holes in your new home with caulk before moving in.