How Do Cockroaches Keep Getting in My House?

If you have cockroaches in your home, one of the first things you need to do is figure out how they are getting in. These insects are attracted to moist, warm areas. One of their favorite hiding places is in newspapers and cardboard boxes. Keeping these items out of your house will help prevent roaches from breeding.

Cockroaches can get into your home through various openings, including vents and pipes. Make sure the vents are sealed properly, as older ones often have holes. Old furniture that is loose can also be a source of cockroaches. You can remove cockroaches from your home using a variety of methods.

Roaches can enter your home through boxes or items, so check them thoroughly. Dark, moist areas such as basements are perfect habitats for these insects. Once inside, they can spread throughout the home. They can even spread to neighboring rooms, if you live in an apartment building. You can prevent them by sealing cracks with caulk and weatherstripping.

Roaches can also enter your home through cracks in doors, windows, and floors. If you don’t have a trap, you can place a silicone-based sealant on these areas. Also, you can install door sweeps, which can help prevent them from entering your home.