How Do Cockroaches Fit in Small Spaces?

Cockroaches are small and can fit in small spaces by flattening their bodies. The extent of flattening depends on the length of the cockroach, but it can fit through holes as small as one-tenth of an inch. When cockroaches flatten themselves, they lose a fifth of their height. This allows them to squeeze through a smaller space, and to run more quickly.

Although cockroaches can fit into tight spaces, they don’t like to live in wide spaces. Instead, they like to live in cracks and crevices where they can easily hide and breed. A small German cockroach can fit into a crack the size of a dime, while a large American cockroach can squeeze through an opening that is no wider than a quarter. They often hide in wall outlets and behind baseboards. The bedroom is another common place for them to live. The dead skin on dressers and inside closets are also prime hiding places.

The best way to keep cockroaches out of your home is to keep them out. Cockroaches are attracted to moisture and warmth, and they can enter through cracks and gaps. If you’re looking to prevent cockroaches from entering your home, keep your cabinets clean and organized. Also, store food in airtight containers.