How Do Cockroach Traps Work on Ants?

Cockroach traps are not the same as ants traps. They have different food preferences and should be targeted accordingly. In large infestations, baits should be replenished more frequently. You should use small placements of bait instead of large globs. In addition, you should avoid placing cleaning agents around the placements of baits. These can deter cockroaches from taking the baits.

One study used a laboratory strain of cockroaches known as Jwax. The researchers released 250 small nymphs and 125 large nymphs and 65 adult males and 60 adult females. They placed eight traps in an arena with a 30 cm spacing between them.

Another method used by the researchers was to make traps from boric acid. For this, they used an old plastic container and cut a small hole near the rim. They then added borax, sugar, honey, and water to the jar. The jar trap had significantly lower catches than the sticky traps. Similarly, Robinson et al. found that the jar traps were biased toward sampling adult ants.

Another effective option is to use bait stations. These devices contain a paste bait that attracts roaches and non-sweet-eating ants. This paste bait is made specifically for the target pest. The paste will initially attract more insects, but as the active ingredient takes effect, it will slowly kill the pest population.