How Cold is Too Cold to Kill German Cockroaches?

The first thing you need to know is how cold is too cold to kill German cockroaches. These critters thrive in warm, humid climates, but they can also survive in very cold temperatures. In fact, they are often seen in the early winters, when the temperature drops to 10 degrees Celsius or below. However, if the temperature drops too suddenly, they can freeze to death.

During the winter, they prefer to stay outdoors. They can be found in woodpiles and decaying trees. They can survive in temperatures up to 15 degrees Fahrenheit, but can’t survive temperatures below that. This makes them a serious problem because they can easily invade private residences in the winter and are difficult to eliminate.

German cockroaches are found throughout the United States. They are not as common as their German cousins. However, they are attracted to warmth, so they can often be found near electrical appliances. If you notice roaches in your home, you should contact a pest control professional immediately.

German cockroaches can be a major problem in a home if you are not careful. They breed continuously and can quickly infest a home. In warm climates, German cockroaches can survive almost year round. In colder climates, German roaches go dormant, so you should take steps to prevent their invasion in your home.