How Cold Does It Have to Be to Kill a Cockroach?

If you’re worried about cockroaches in your home, cold temperatures are one of the most effective ways to kill them. Cockroaches are cold-blooded creatures, which means that they cannot survive in temperatures over 0 degrees Fahrenheit. This will shock their bodies and cause them to die. This method is relatively easy to use and will stop cockroach breeding and reproduction in your home.

Cold temperatures can also cause roaches to change their behavior. When the air temperature drops, they move indoors and look for warmer places to live. This is a common reason why you might notice a roach being more active in the fall and winter months. Once it reaches around 40 degrees Fahrenheit, they begin to slow down their activities. They conserve their energy by looking for warm places.

Although cold temperatures can kill roaches, it isn’t recommended in most situations. Not only does it make the homeowner uncomfortable, but it may not kill all the roaches in the house. Furthermore, the roaches will likely re-infest the house after the roaches die in cold temperatures.

When the temperature outside is freezing, you should keep a container filled with water or ice. Then, place the container in a warm place. Cockroaches need time to adjust to changes in temperature. If temperatures are too low, they cannot reproduce.