How Bad Are Cockroaches?

Cockroaches are not only gross, but they can also spread a variety of diseases. They carry pathogens and bacteria and can infect people, including young children. They can also irritate the skin, leaving behind rashes. Some people even develop allergic reactions to cockroach bites.

Cockroaches tend to be in clusters and can live for many weeks without being discovered. These insects are most active during the night, when the lighting is off, and they will crawl around on dark surfaces. When the lights come on, they’ll move immediately towards their shelter.

Cockroaches come in many sizes and colors. The Oriental cockroach can reach almost a quarter-inch long. Its wings are half as long as its body, and its eggs hatch in about two months. In Holly Springs, the most common species are the German cockroach, the American cockroach, and the brown-banded cockroach. They live in warm areas, and their eggs hatch in about two months.

Cockroaches can be a serious pest. They can cause illnesses and contaminate food. Cockroaches are not native to Hawaii, but they were brought here by early Polynesian settlers, so they are common in homes.