Do Cockroaches Taste Like Shrimp?

Cockroaches are not only a common pest in households but they are also considered a delicacy in many cultures. In China, for example, cockroaches are believed to have medicinal properties, and it is thought that the enzymes contained in cockroaches can treat illnesses.

Bobon has researched edible insects and discovered that cockroaches are a popular choice. In fact, he said he once tried cockroaches as part of a TV show, claiming that the box contained 20 insects. Fortunately, he discovered the deliciousness of cockroaches after watching Fear Factor. He washed the insects thoroughly with water and dish soap, boiled them until the smell was gone, and then deep fried them. Afterwards, he added them to his Indomie Goreng.

Another interesting fact about cockroaches is that they are closely related to shrimp. They are not only similar in size, but their nutritional value is also comparable. However, shrimps have a meaty tail and are easily removed before cooking. In contrast, cockroaches have a very tight exoskeleton. This makes it difficult for a pillbug to suck the exoskeleton of a shrimp. Moreover, it would require hundreds of pills to make a single bite of a pillbug, whereas a shrimp would require a few.

Cockroaches are actually scavengers, just like shrimp are. While they are both crustaceans, shrimp and cockroaches are not related to lobsters. While they share the same characteristics, their main differences include their size and environment. While lobsters live in the ocean, cockroaches live on land.