Do Bay Leaves Help With Cockroaches?

Bay leaves are a natural repellent that can be used to combat roaches. Their strong aroma is unpleasant to roaches, which will cause them to avoid the area. You can place them in the kitchen, pantry, and even under the sink to keep them out.

Bay leaves are effective at repelling roaches and are easy to clean. They work best when spread on surfaces that roaches frequent. Those places include cracks and crevices, under the sink and behind the fridge. Place an empty container filled with bay leaves in these areas and leave for about a month. Alternatively, you can sprinkle powdered bay leaves around the home in places where you suspect roaches are hiding.

A fresh bay leaf will be more effective than dried ones, as they retain their scent better. Dry bay leaves lose their efficacy and are no longer effective as a repellent. While fresh bay leaves are highly effective in repelling roaches, it is important to keep in mind that they will not kill them.

Besides repelling roaches, bay leaves can also be effective at deterring other bugs and pests. Moreover, they can also serve as natural pesticides. You can place the leaves inside cabinets and under appliances, and you can also put them inside bags of flour. This way, the leaves do not leach into food and will drive away any bugs that may be present. To ensure its effectiveness, however, you should change the bag after every few months.