Can a Cockroach Grow a New Head?
Cockroaches don’t need a head to breathe, since they have spiracles that deliver oxygen directly to their cells. They also don’t have a central nervous system that relies on blood circulation to carry oxygen from the air. Moreover, when a cockroach is deprived of its head, it can still perform normal activities, such as stand, react to touch and move around. It can even find food sources.
A cockroach that is left without its head can survive for a week or more, depending on its environment. Since cockroaches have no blood pressure, they can go a long time without eating. However, they would eventually dry up and die from thirst, if they were deprived of food and water.
Cockroaches are a pest and can be a nuisance. Not only do they contaminate the air and food, but they can also transmit disease pathogens from one place to another. They can also contaminate dishes and eating utensils. In addition, their droppings can cause allergies and aggravate asthma.
Cockroaches have compound eyes made of photoreceptor cells called ommatidia surrounded by a protective sclerite. Because of this, roaches have a mosaic view of their surroundings. They also have movable antennae. These are made of tiny segments, which are thicker near the head and thinner at the tips. The lips of the cockroach are formed by the labrum and labium. They also have two mouthparts called maxillae and mandibles with cutting surfaces.