If you have ever had an insect fly into your ear, you know the pain that it can cause. Not only will your ears hurt, but the insect can pierce…Continue readingHow Do Flies Go in Your Ear?
Flies go to light to see, so it makes sense that they would also want to see the world around them. However, they can’t actually see the light. Instead, they…Continue readingWhy Do Flies Go to Light?
While it may seem like the cooler temperatures kill flies, some species do remain active during the fall. For example, multi-colored Asian lady beetles and cluster flies make an annual…Continue readingDo Flies Go Away in the Fall?
Bug zappers are an excellent way to kill flies. These devices contain UVA light and work by zapping insects when they touch them. This light attracts flies because their compound…Continue readingDo Fruit Flies Go Into Bug Zappers?
Lice are small insects that live on the scalp. They feed on human blood and may be found on your head or on your body. Lice develop from nymphs to…Continue readingDo Flying Insects Give You Lice?
While flies may seem harmless, they can cause severe bug bites and even a life-threatening allergic reaction if they are stung. Symptoms include swelling, itchiness, and redness. Black flies may…Continue readingDo Fly’s Give You Bug Bites?
If you’ve been wondering, “Do flies give you piles?” you’re not alone. Flies are everywhere, even in places where they’re not supposed to be. You can find flies in garbage…Continue readingDo Flies Give You Piles?
Flies lay eggs on the ground and develop into maggots and larvae. These insects complete their life cycle in about a week. The next stage is pupae. Adult flies emerge…Continue readingDo Flies Give Birth to Live Young?
While examining a homeless man’s clothing, a nurse notices tiny insects flying around. As the man scratches at these insects, the nurse fears that the man might have lice. She…Continue readingCan Flys Give You Lice?
While it is not common for people to get lice from flies, it can happen. There are several ways to get rid of lice. The most effective way is to…Continue readingCan You Get Lice From Flies?
Lice are parasitic creatures that live off of their hosts. They cannot live without a human host and can only be transferred to a human from another human. Historically, lice…Continue readingDo Lice Come From Flies?
Lice do not travel on flies, but they can be transported from head to head, as long as there’s contact between the human head and the infected person’s body. The…Continue readingCan Lice Travel on Flies?
Black flies are small, blood-sucking insects that can wreak havoc on your hair, nose, mouth, and ears. They can even leave a painful wound that takes days to heal. They…Continue readingHow Long Do Black Flies Expire?
Black flies can be an annoying nuisance, but there are ways to reduce your chances of being bitten. First, be sure to cover up your exposed skin and wear a…Continue readingHow Long Do Black Flies Last?
Black flies are small insects that live in water. They emerge as adults during mid-spring and live for two to three weeks. They need blood meals to develop and lay…Continue readingHow Long Do Black Flies Live For?
Flies are integral components of our environment, and their decomposition processes help us clean up the environment and provide nutrients for other organisms. Their food source includes dead plant matter,…Continue readingHow Do Flies Help the Environment?
If flies are able to heal wounds, then they might have a lot to teach us about healing wounds in humans. The first thing we should know is that the…Continue readingHow Do Flies Help Heal Wounds?
Flies are an inevitable part of any compost pile, and while the presence of flies can be beneficial to the composting process, they can also pose a health risk. Flies…Continue readingHow Do Flies Help Compost?
Flies help us in many ways, but there are some interesting facts you might not know. For example, many species of flies feed as larvae, which means that they eat…Continue readingHow Do Flies Help Us?
Fly control is critical for reducing flies on your cattle. Flies are a nuisance and can reduce performance of cattle. Fortunately, there are several ways to combat fly populations. The…Continue readingHow Do Flies Help Cows?