Flies live in a state called diapause during the winter. It occurs whenever the temperature falls below 32degF and can last for several weeks. When the temperature rises, the flies…Continue readingHow Do Flies Live in the Winter?
Flies have an incredible array of eyes. They have two pairs of eyes, compound eyes and simple eyes. A compound eye is made up of two lenses, while a simple…Continue readingHow Many Eyes Do Flies Have?
Flies are pests and can be a nuisance. They can bite you or your food, and their saliva contains bacteria that can be transmitted to humans. The bites from flies…Continue readingHow Can Flies Hurt You?
The tympanal membranes of flies are extremely small and separated by approximately 500 micrometers. This small distance makes the time it takes to detect sound from either ear extremely short.…Continue readingHow Do Flies Hear Sound?
Regardless of the size of your hair, flies can lay their eggs in your hair. Flies are attracted to dirty hair and will lay their eggs there. To avoid being…Continue readingHow Can Flies Lay Eggs in Your Hair?
If you’re worried about flies on your dog, there are many simple things you can do to help keep them away. First, make your dog’s environment unappealing to flies. Make…Continue readingWhat Can I Use to Keep Flies Off My Dog?
If you’ve ever wondered how flies survive and thrive in our environment, you’ve probably wondered where they get their food. While many flies do feed on dead or decaying animal…Continue readingWhere Do Flies Come From Poop?
Most flies can survive their entire life cycle inside your home. However, some species need to be hatched outside and spend the cold winter months in a soil-like environment before…Continue readingFly-Proofing Your Home
The time it takes for a fly to hatch depends on several factors. For example, the temperature and the amount of food available are important factors. Flies that live in…Continue readingHow Long Do Flies Take to Hatch?
Did you know that flies have taste receptors on their feet? The bottom of their legs and feet have sensory hairs that allow them to taste different flavors. As a…Continue readingHow Do Flies Taste With Their Feet?
Black flies are small, flying insects with shiny thoraxes and long antennae. They’re black, gray, or yellow in color, and their eyes are large. The larvae emerge from eggs and…Continue readingHow Big Are Black Flies?
There are several different types of flies, and many of them can bite humans. Fly bites can be irritating and painful, and many of them will lay eggs in your…Continue readingWhat Fly Types Bite You?
When fishing for trout, it’s important to know what size flies to use. The correct fly size for the species you’re targeting will determine your success. Depending on the season…Continue readingWhat Size Flies For Trout?
If you’re looking to keep fruit flies for your aquarium, you’ve come to the right place. Fruit flies are the perfect pet for many kinds of animals, including mantids, salamanders,…Continue readingWhere Can I Buy Fruit Flies For My Aquarium?
Flies are tiny flying insects in the order Diptera, which means “with two wings.” While most winged insects have four wings, true flies only have two wings. While many flies…Continue readingAre Flies Dangerous to Humans?