Why Bed Bugs Smell

The smell of bedbugs is caused by a combination of chemical compounds and pheromones. These chemicals give off a smell that is reminiscent of a stale locker room or an old, wet towel. These smells can be very strong and you need to be careful when trying to identify them.

The smell of bedbugs is highly subjective, and a bed bug colony will not necessarily smell the same to everyone. Some people have compared the smell to that of coriander, while others say that it is like the smell of spoiled raspberries. Some people have even noted that the smell can be similar to almonds or acidic marzipan.

The smell of bedbugs can be hard to notice until a bedbug infestation has reached its advanced stage. This is because they are less likely to smell when they are in an early stage of their life cycle. Once disturbed, however, the bugs release alarm pheromones to warn other members of their colony of their presence. However, this odor is not very deterring to humans.

A live bedbug may smell like cilantro, dirty laundry, iron, or sickly sweet. The smell will vary depending on how many of the bugs you have and their composition. Some people have even reported that the smell of a bug infestation is very strong.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!