Why Are Bed Bugs Red?
If you’ve noticed red spots on your mattress or elsewhere, you might be dealing with bedbugs. These bugs are tiny, oval-shaped insects that feed on human blood. They don’t have wings, so they rely on animals to carry them from place to place. They can also enter your home by hitching a ride on luggage or secondhand furniture. They can also move from hotel to hotel or from apartment to apartment.
Bedbugs have red bumps on the skin, although they look like hives or a group of red bumps on a single part of the body. If these red bumps cause you to experience breathing difficulty, a rapid heartbeat, or confusion, you may have a life-threatening allergy called anaphylaxis. You should contact a medical professional if you experience any of these symptoms.
Bedbugs are small and difficult to spot until the infestation is severe. When you move your furniture or move your home, you will disturb the hiding spots of bedbugs. Some insects can be mistaken for bed bugs, including carpet beetles, cockroach nymphs, and spider beetles. In the early stages, bedbugs are oval-shaped and about five to nine mm long. After feeding, they will change color to purplish red.
Bedbugs are nocturnal insects. They tend to feed during the night on the bare skin of humans while they are sleeping. However, they are opportunistic and will also feed on other warm-blooded hosts during the day.