Where Bed Bugs Lay Eggs
When trying to eliminate a bedbug infestation, finding out where bedbugs lay their eggs is crucial. These tiny bugs prefer dark and hidden areas where they can hide and lay their eggs. Using a powerful flashlight or magnifying glass can help you find the bugs’ eggs. Some magnifying glasses even have lights built into them.
One of the most popular places where bedbugs lay their eggs is the bed. Bedbugs are attracted to human bodies as they feed during the night. Because of their small size, they can hide under mattress tags, headboards, box springs, and other small areas. They can survive up to two weeks in these areas.
Female bedbugs can lay up to five eggs a day after feeding on blood. However, it’s difficult for them to reproduce because they need to be separated from their mate to lay eggs. This means that they will often leave their mate to lay their eggs elsewhere. During this time, female bedbugs will usually live in areas with no other bedbugs around. These areas can be difficult to spot and may require pest control.
The average female bedbug will lay between 200 and 500 eggs during her life. They prefer dark areas like bed frames, cushions, and furniture, as well as walls and floorboards. However, they will also lay eggs in other places in the house such as the living room.