What Should I Do Before I Call An Exterminator For Bed Bugs?

Before you call an exterminator, you should do a few things yourself to reduce the risk of bedbug infestation. First of all, wash any items that are susceptible to being infested. You can also try using a blowtorch on a low setting to force bedbugs out of crevices. Once the area is clean, you can use sticky packing tape and paper towels to trap and crush bedbugs. Next, remove any items that may be stored under beds, including clothing and bedding. Those items that can’t be washed or stored offsite should be stuffed in plastic bags or boxed for later use. In addition, you should remove any wall hangings that could potentially harbor bedbugs, as they provide a perfect hiding place. Once you’ve done this, you can box any loose items

Before you call an exterminator, you should prepare your home by making sure to wash all bedding, mattress encasements, and furniture. It is also a good idea to wash your bedding in hot water, and dry it on high heat. If you’re using a laundromat, make sure to use a full-cycle dryer. Before you call an exterminator, you need to wash any items that are on the bed in a separate laundry machine or trash bag.

In addition to washing all clothing and bedding, you need to dry clean any items that are obvious targets. If washing can’t be done at home, you can send the dirty clothes to dry cleaning facilities that specialize in treating bedbug infestation. Once you’ve dried the clothes and linens, you need to seal them away from other items. You can also buy plastic bags to store freshly cleaned clothes and clothing.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!