What Order Do Bed Bugs Belong To?

The insects that live in beds and other types of furniture are classified as “bed bugs.” These insects are members of the family Cimicidae and belong to the order Hemiptera. They have a narrow host preference, preferring birds and bats. However, they are sometimes incidental hosts in humans.

During the 1700s, they were most abundant in coastal cities, and were less common in the interior. They are likely to have traveled in old sailing ships, which were believed to have been heavily infested. The mass migrations of World War I are believed to have increased the number of Cimicids in Europe.

Bed bugs can live in many areas, including the seams and folds of mattresses and sleeping bags. They can also live in cracks in the headboard and other bedroom furnishings. Adult bed bugs can be spotted easily on white sheets, but they are harder to detect on dark surfaces. If you suspect your bed bugs are hiding, you can use a flashlight to check for them.

Female bed bugs need warm-blooded hosts to reproduce. They are able to breed year-round if they are provided with food. During their development, they go through five different molting stages. The first stage is called nymphs. Bed bugs go through nymphal stage four times, and each stage needs a blood meal to develop into an adult.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!