How to Tell If Your Dog Has Bed Bugs
When you’re looking for ways to keep your dog from getting bed bugs, you need to be vigilant about your pet’s behavior. These bites may seem like an inconvenience, but they can carry a potentially life-threatening disease. Here’s how to tell if your pet’s skin is covered in the tiny creatures.
First, bed bugs cannot survive outside. They must be indoors to survive, so your dog shouldn’t have access to them. Secondly, your dog cannot pick up bed bugs from your neighbor’s house. Instead, they spread by hitching a ride on items. Unlike fleas, bed bugs won’t latch onto your dog’s fur.
If you’re worried that your dog has bed bugs, the best way to get rid of them is to hire a pest control service. The professionals will use an effective method to kill them. Over-the-counter chemicals won’t work against them, and they may make the situation worse. In addition to hiring a professional, you can save yourself time and money by avoiding bed bugs altogether.
As with humans, bed bugs prefer human hosts. However, they can live on your pet if they find a warm, moist place to hide. While they don’t stay on you, they can climb into crevices in the fur and feed on it.