How Soon Do Bed Bugs Start Biting?
If you suspect you have bedbugs in your home, it’s important to get treatment quickly. You can try over-the-counter solutions or call a licensed pest control company for treatment. It’s also a good idea to clean your clothes thoroughly after staying in a bed that’s been infested by bedbugs.
Bedbugs typically feed during the night, usually around an hour before dawn. However, they can also feed at any time of day or night. They will suck out a drop of blood from your skin and then return to their hiding places. The process may take up to five minutes for each bite. A female bedbug can lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime.
The bites of bedbugs are often raised, red and itchy. They usually appear in a line or cluster. They are also slightly darker and sometimes appear in clusters. If you notice any of these bites, avoid scratching the area. The bites will usually disappear in a couple of weeks.
The first sign that you may have bedbugs in your home is bites. The bites last 10 seconds or longer, and often include a blood spot. If you are suspicious of bed bugs, you should remove the mattress and all sheets to check for evidence of infestation. A bedbug will hide in small cracks and crevices, so remove all dust covers and clean your bed thoroughly.