How Small Do Bed Bugs Get?

Bed bugs are tiny, flat-bodied insects that can hide easily between feedings. They are a quarter to one-third of an inch in length as adults, and their flat bodies allow them to fit into tiny crevices and cracks. Bedbug nymphs are even smaller, weighing between 0.1 millimeters, and are nearly invisible to the naked eye. They prefer to live in soft furnishings and dark places, such as mattresses and curtains.

These bugs have a reddish-brown body and can grow up to 50% in size after feeding. Their six legs enable them to move at speeds of three to four feet per minute. They feed at night, so bedbugs thrive in bedrooms, attics, and other enclosed spaces. They cannot jump, but they do have a short-range flight ability.

Bed bugs can be hard to spot, but you can tell if they have a nest in your home by their shell casings. These translucent, yellowish shells are a sign of feeding and hiding areas. In addition, bedbugs will usually cluster their eggs together. It’s important to look for shell casings as they are the first sign of an infestation.

Bed bugs are very similar to ticks. They have six legs and are oval-shaped. They grow larger when they have blood to feed on. Bed bugs can also be mistaken for carpet beetles, which are similar to fleas.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!