How Long Bed Bugs Last

How long bed bugs last depends on several factors. The adult bed bug can survive up to 400 days without feeding. However, this time is shortened if it does not have a host. Hence, a professional insecticide spray is recommended. This insecticide should kill the bugs within two to three hours after application.

The life cycle of bed bugs includes five distinct stages. The first stage is the egg. The egg is produced by adult bedbugs. The development of the larvae and the adult bedbugs are associated with feeding on blood. However, female bed bugs cannot lay eggs without blood. Their babies must reach the nymph stage before they can start reproducing.

A bedbug can survive for weeks or months without food, although they usually feed regularly in warm conditions. It is also important to remember that bedbugs are nocturnal creatures that feed mostly during the night. Their flat shape makes it easy for them to hide in cracks and crevices. Moreover, full-grown bed bugs can live for up to a year without feeding.

Bedbugs feed on human blood and will bite you up to three times each night. The number of bedbugs in one mattress varies from five to twenty. The amount of bedbugs in a room depends on the temperature and the ease of access. The bedbug’s saliva will irritate the skin and cause it to become infected. The swelling may take up to a day to appear and is often mistaken for a mosquito bite.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!