How Long Bed Bugs Can Survive Without Food

When it comes to bed bugs, you might be wondering how long they live without eating. Adult bedbugs can survive without food for as long as a year. This depends on various factors, such as temperature and humidity. However, the average time of a bed bug’s life span is about five months.

In a normal environment, a bed bug will feed once every five to ten days. However, this can vary depending on the amount of food the bedbugs can find. The bedbugs will feed when they want to molt and lay eggs. It is therefore important to check your home regularly, even if there are no visible signs of infestation.

Although you may be wondering how long bed bugs can survive without food, there are ways to kill them. One way to kill them is to avoid exposing them to very cold or hot temperatures. Bedbugs have defense mechanisms for freezing temperatures, but do not have those for high temperatures. A fifteen-degree increase in temperature can reduce their life span by half. In addition, temperatures over 120 degrees kill bedbugs. Therefore, if you suspect that your home is infested with bedbugs, it is important to check the temperature inside the home.

When a bed bug dies, it is possible to kill it by using a desiccant. However, desiccants are not effective for large infestations, as only the ones exposed to the substance will be killed. Those that escape will still survive and reproduce. To get rid of a large infestation, you should hire a professional exterminator. They will analyze your situation and suggest an appropriate treatment.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!