How Hard Are Bed Bugs to Kill?

While it is not impossible to kill bedbugs completely, there are ways to control their populations and prevent them from returning. The key to eliminating bedbugs is to find and remove the bugs at every stage of their life cycle. If the eggs are not eliminated, they will hatch and reproduce. In addition, you may have to use more than one treatment method in order to get rid of the entire infestation.

Before applying pesticides, make sure to thoroughly inspect your furniture and bedframe for evidence of infestation. You may need to sanitize any pieces that have been exposed to bedbugs, such as mattresses. For larger items, you can use a contact pesticide or alcohol. When applying contact pesticides, make sure to apply them with penetrating fumes. For smaller items, you can place these items in the freezer for a few days.

The problem is that some bedbugs are resistant to certain types of insecticides, making them harder to kill. In some cases, bedbugs have developed knockdown resistance, which is the same genetic mutation that makes them resistant to DDT. In addition, some insects are developing a thicker exoskeleton, which makes it harder for insecticides to penetrate.

If you’re concerned that your home is infested with bedbugs, you may want to consider hiring a pest control service. These services are often cheaper than attempting to treat the problem yourself. They also use methods that are more effective for eliminating the problem.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!