How Do Bed Bugs Turn Into Scabies?
When you notice that you have a bed bug problem, you may feel panicked and overwhelmed. Not only are you worried about the safety of yourself and your loved ones, you may also have more questions than answers. This is why it’s important to educate yourself about bed bugs and scabies before you seek professional help.
Scabies is caused by microscopic parasites that feed on human skin. These tiny creatures are called Sarcoptes scabiei, and they live under the skin’s surface. They reproduce by digging into the skin to lay their eggs. Once you have an infestation of scabies, your skin will start to decay.
It can take 2 to 6 weeks for a scabies outbreak to manifest itself in visible symptoms. The time it takes to develop symptoms depends on the immune system of the affected person and the size of the infestation. In most cases, a scabies outbreak begins with a bed bug infestation.
Bedbugs are microscopic insects that live in a bed or other soft, dark place. They feed on the human skin during the night. Although they do not spread disease, they do cause itching and may even trigger an allergic reaction. You may need to apply a corticosteroid ointment to relieve the itching.