How Can You Kill Bed Bugs Without an Exterminator?

Bed bugs are not easy to kill, but there are several techniques you can try at home to get rid of them. The first step is to isolate the bed. This can be done by pulling the mattress away from the wall and other furniture. Make sure to remove box spring skirting or any oversized blankets as these can provide a place for bed bugs to climb. In addition, you can place insect interceptors on the legs of the bed frame. These are made of plastic that is coated with talcum powder.

Another method is to use foggers, which are vapors that kill bed bugs on contact. These devices can cost a few dollars and are ideal for use in low-traffic areas. You should always remember to wear gloves while using these products and to ventilate the room properly.

Using insecticides is also a great option. Insecticides that have been approved by the EPA are effective in killing bed bugs. Generally, the safest and most effective products for killing bed bugs are pyrethroids and neonicotinoids, which damage the bedbugs’ nervous system. These products are also effective against bedbugs that are resistant to other pesticides.

You can also try freezing bedbugs. Although this method is less effective than using hot water, it can still kill bedbugs. However, it can be used in hot climates. A temperature of 125 degrees Fahrenheit will kill bedbug eggs. However, be aware that most freezers are not set to that temperature.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!