How Bed Bugs Get in Your Home

If you suspect bedbugs in your home, you should start by performing a thorough inspection. Checking for signs of infestation such as blood stains, eggs, and droppings can help you spot the bugs and prevent their return. During a thorough inspection, make sure to check any cracks or crevices around furniture, and check walls, window frames, and mattresses. You can also check electrical outlets, switches, and face plates.

Bedbugs are tiny insects that feed on human blood. They can live in pristine homes as well as filthy ones. They feed by biting people during the night, and pierce the skin to withdraw the blood. These insects can feed anywhere from three to ten minutes before crawling away.

Infestations in single-family homes tend to be more widespread than those in multi-family homes. Families are particularly susceptible to infestation because kids are often the ones who spread them. Children often swap clothing at daycare, leave their bags near other kids’ bags, and even take naps on another child’s mattress. Kids also tend to travel more than adults, making them more likely to encounter bed bugs.

Bedbugs can live up to a year without food, so it is essential to check all areas of your home regularly. If you suspect your home has an infestation, call a pest control service to get rid of the bugs once and for all.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!