Getting Rid of Bed Bugs in Cold Temperatures

Getting rid of bed bugs in cold temperatures may not be as effective as you think. These creatures can survive extremely low temperatures, as long as they can hide. In addition, the cold temperatures can cause structural damage to your home. As a result, freezing your home is not recommended.

Although it may be tempting to leave the heat on all winter long, bedbugs will simply continue to survive cold temperatures. The temperature will not kill them, but it will decrease their egg production and hatching success. In fact, cold temperatures can help to reduce their population. Cold temperatures can even cause bed bugs to stop feeding – which means you’ll be saving money on pest control!

Bedbugs prefer a temperature of at least 32 degrees Fahrenheit, but they can survive cold temperatures for a limited amount of time. However, it will take three to four days for bedbugs to be killed by freezing. This method is not recommended for homes, as most home freezers don’t reach that low.

When freezing bedbugs, the freezing temperature should be below -32 degrees Fahrenheit. The freezing temperature must be maintained for four days. During these days, bedbugs will enter a state of diapause, which prevents them from feeding. In addition, they will start breeding more quickly in warm rooms.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!