Do Bed Bugs Make You Itch All Over?

The bites of bedbugs can cause itching and discomfort. Applying a corticosteroid cream to the affected area can provide relief. Some creams can be purchased over-the-counter without a prescription, but stronger creams may require a doctor’s prescription. The itch and discomfort usually go away within a week. In severe cases, a doctor may suggest a course of antibiotics.

Itching from bedbug bites is not common for everyone. While most people experience a minor itch from bites, some people are more sensitive and develop an extremely severe reaction. People with severe reactions are advised not to scratch the bites, as scratching can cause further infection. Aside from itching, bedbugs can also affect a person’s mental health.

In some cases, bedbug bites can trigger allergic reactions, including asthma and generalized hives. In rare cases, the bites may even lead to anaphylaxis. In one reported case, a man developed anaphylactic shock and was hospitalized. He had an electrocardiogram that indicated transient anterolateral ischemia and developed itchiness all over.

If you suspect bedbug bites, you should see a dermatologist as soon as possible. The bites are difficult to identify and may look like hives at night and pimples during the day. Before consulting a doctor, you should check your home for any sign of bedbug infestation.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!