Can You Get Bed Bugs From Used Clothing?

Luckily, it’s rare to have an encounter with bedbugs while wearing used clothing. However, it can happen if the clothing was infested and was returned to a store. In such cases, it’s best to wash the used clothing in high temperatures to kill any bedbugs.

Before you wash your used clothes, you should first inspect them to ensure they don’t have bugs. Bedbugs will lay eggs on the clothes. These are difficult to remove, but they can be killed with heat. If you don’t want to use hot water to clean your clothing, you can dry clean it instead. If the clothing is particularly expensive, dry cleaning may be the best option. You can also check stuffed furniture. If there are any cushions in a sofa or chair, you should remove them and check for bugs.

In addition to clothing, used furniture can also harbor bedbugs. Porous surfaces like pillows, cushions, and even rugs can be a breeding ground for the pests. Bedbugs also love warm, dark places. These places are ideal for these creatures to breed. If you purchase used furniture, make sure to clean it thoroughly before introducing it to the interior of your home. This way, you’ll protect your home from the pests.

Thrift stores and second-hand shops are a bedbug haven. While they may be affordable and have great selections, thrift stores can be a risky bet. It’s best to avoid secondhand clothing and furniture from thrift stores if you can. Not only are they inexpensive, but they often contain bed bugs as well. They can travel from one item to another and infest your entire house.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!