Can Bed Bugs Follow You From Room to Room?

In order to prevent the spread of bedbugs, you should do your best to clean your bedroom thoroughly. You should avoid using secondhand furniture and encase your mattress and box spring with protective covers. If you can’t avoid using secondhand furniture, make sure to check it for bedbugs before purchasing it. In addition, you should use protective covers over your clothing and pillows. You should also check your luggage and clothing before leaving the house. If you are staying in a hotel, use a bag stand to keep your suitcase and clothes out of the bed. Also, you should inspect the laundry facilities to make sure there are no bedbugs.

While bedbugs do not live on humans, they can follow you from one room to another, especially if they’re hiding in a void in the walls. If you discover these critters on your bed or in your clothes, it’s time to call an exterminator. Getting a new mattress and bedding will not change the problem.

If you’re staying in a hotel, be sure to check the beds and upholstered furniture before you sleep, because bedbugs can hitchhike to another room. If you are visiting a hotel often, visually inspect your luggage rack, upholstered furniture, box spring, and mattress seams for signs of bedbugs. If you suspect you’ve been exposed to bedbugs, you may notice a small cluster of red bites on your skin.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!