Can Bed Bugs Die in Cold Weather?
You may wonder, “Can bed bugs die in cold weather?” These creatures are slow to grow in cold temperatures, but they do not completely die in cold weather. They adapt to this unfavorable climate by utilizing a process known as “cold hardening.” This amazing process is similar to how plants and insects acclimate to freezing temperatures.
Bed bugs use a freeze-intolerant strategy to combat cold weather by lowering the freezing point of their body fluids. During a study, researchers evaluated the freezing point of bedbug body fluids and the amount of time it takes for them to become deathly frozen. The temperature of a freezer can be as low as -6 degrees Fahrenheit.
However, this method isn’t foolproof. Insects don’t produce their own body heat, so they must get it from external sources to stay warm. Exposure to cold temperatures won’t kill bed bugs in the long term. But it can be used as a temporary solution for a bed bug infestation.
Another method is using carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide draws bedbugs from hiding places and kills them at low concentrations. But it is important to note that CO2 is dangerous to humans and must be used with care.