Are Bed Bugs More Active in Summer Or Winter?

It’s not known whether bed bugs are more active in summer or winter. The answer depends on the climate. The higher temperatures encourage bed bugs to feed more frequently. However, they can survive in temperatures as low as 44degF. This can cause an increase in infestations during summer.

The winter months tend to be colder and bedbugs slow down their activity. This gives you more time to spot them. However, you must be aware that they can still feed throughout the year. This is because they can hitchhike to other areas. Therefore, it is essential to treat your home as soon as you notice a problem.

If the temperature is consistently warm during summer, bedbugs will stay more active. If the temperature is colder during this time, bedbugs will slow down their activity and begin to hibernate. In addition, summertime activities, like travel, can increase the likelihood of bed bug infestations. If you’re going on a trip, bed bugs can easily hop onto your suitcase, so be prepared for this possibility!

The temperature inside your home is also an important factor. Bedbugs love a consistent temperature range. As a result, if you keep the temperature constant, you won’t have to worry about bedbugs becoming active during the winter. Wintertime temperatures also make traveling more difficult for them. Since they are not cold-resistant, they’re less active during the colder months and can even die if they’re traveling for long periods.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!