
What Ants Are in Texas?

Depending on the time of year, Texas is home to several different species of ants. While some of these ants are harmful, others are harmless.

Carpenter ants are one of the most common species of ants in Texas. They can be found in most parts of the state, especially in late winter and early spring. They are most active during mating season. These ants live in a colony made up of thousands of worker ants. The queen is the only reproducing member of the colony.

Pharaoh ants are small red colored ants that feed on sweets and cakes. They are one of the most common ants that invade homes. They do not sting, but they do carry a variety of pathogenic bacteria.

Pharaoh ants are omnivorous, meaning they eat food from a variety of sources. Their bites are non-lethal, but they do leave behind a rash.

Pharaoh ants are not dangerous to humans, but they do carry a number of pathogenic bacteria. If you have an infestation, it is best to call an exterminator to treat the problem.

These ants are found inside and outside the home. They are small insects that can be hard to kill. They often nest in cracks or around doors and windows. They can also be found inside light sockets.

The tawny crazy ant (also known as the Rasberry crazy ant) is an invasive insect that is native to South America. It first appeared in Texas in 2002. These ants are a nuisance to many people in the state.