
Is Eating Ants Bad For Cats?

Whether or not your cat should be eating ants is a question you should never take lightly. The fact of the matter is that eating ants can be dangerous for some cats. In fact, some cats are allergic to the poisonous formic acid contained in the ant’s abdomen. The pheromones that the ant emits may also prove to be dangerous to cats.

There are several ways to deter ants from entering your home. One of the most effective is to keep your home free of garbage. You can also keep the cat’s food bowl out of the reach of ants.

For those who don’t have a yard, a food bowl island is an effective way to keep your pet’s food away from ants. You can also put the food bowl in a shallow container, such as a pie pan. Place the food bowl in the container with an inch of space at the edge.

You may also try using chalk and petroleum jelly. These will deter ants and other insects from entering your home. But, be sure to use a mixture of both.

Whether you decide to leave a bowl of cat food outside or keep it inside, be sure to clean it regularly. If you leave food left behind in your pet’s bowl, ants will find it and begin to eat it.

Another trick to keep your cat from eating ants is to put a small amount of water in the bowl. Ants are not a fan of water, so they will be unable to reach your cat’s food.