
How to Prevent Ants From Chewing Through Plastic

Whether you have a carpenter ant infestation or you just have sugar ants around the house, it’s important to know how to prevent ants from chewing through plastic. Ants are known to destroy packaging, so if you have food in plastic containers, you should keep them sealed.

Typically, ants don’t actually chew plastic. Instead, they use their mandibles to gnaw through different materials. Some ants can even chew through cardboard.

Carpenter ants have saw-like mandibles that allow them to chew through hard or soft surfaces. Carpenter ants are not only a pest, they can cause structural damage to your home. They also like to eat insects, fruits, and plants juices. If you have carpenter ants, you should contact a pest control professional to get rid of the problem.

Sugar ants are known for sneaking through thin plastics. They also have strong receptors to smell food. Sugar ants are also known for forming entry holes to access food. If you don’t want sugar ants around your home, you can remove the food source, or use a natural deterrent.

Sugar ants are not dangerous, but they can cause a nuisance. Their ability to chew through thin plastics can be a problem, especially if you have pet food in a bag. To prevent an infestation, you can eliminate the source of food and clean out the plastic container.

Cockroaches are also known to chew through plastics. They can also gnaw through thin cardboard and wire. You can keep these insects away from your food by using vacuum sealing.