
How to Know If Ants Are in My House

Whether you are a home owner or renter, there is a good chance that you have an ant problem. This pest can cause damage to your home, and it can also be very difficult to remove. Fortunately, there are several ways to control an ant infestation.

If you suspect that you have an ant problem, you need to find the nest. Ants usually nest in the ground, but sometimes they may also nest indoors. Often, ants will enter your home through holes or cracks in the wall or through wires.

Ants are known for leaving chemical scent trails, which can help them find food. If you suspect you have an ant problem, you can use these scent trails to locate the nest.

If you find an ant nest, you can remove it using a wet sponge. If the nest is in an area of the house that is hard to reach, you may need to hire a pest control professional.

Alternatively, you can sprinkle powdered citrus peels in the areas where ants are known to be active. You can also add vinegar to citrus peels and water to create a solution. If you add boric acid to the solution, it will help eliminate the ant colony.

You should always store sugary foods in airtight containers. It is also important to keep pet foods clean and sealed. Leaving opened pet food or pantry goods lying around can create an ant infestation.