
How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants

Keeping your home clean is a great way to keep ants out. You can also use simple household products to help get rid of ants.

In order to prevent ants from entering your home, you need to look for the sources of moisture. Moisture can be in the form of leaks or water damage. You can fix these leaks to prevent ants from coming back. You can also replace damaged items that have moisture in them. If you have hidden moisture, it can be difficult to remove.

Carpenter ants build nests in wood near doors, windows, chimneys, and near areas where water interacts with wood. They will be drawn to sugary foods, so you should keep your house clean. You can use baking soda to kill carpenter ants. You should also seal off garbage cans with durable lids. This will prevent leaks.

Moisture ants are usually found in damp, temperate environments. They are very large, with a light-red or dark-brown body. They have a distinct, pheromone-infused scent trail. These pheromone trails allow ants to find their way to food and water. They also make it easier for other ants to locate their colony.

These ants are attracted to moisture, so they can live anywhere there is moisture. They often live in damp spots and are commonly found in homes that are being renovated. If you see a colony of ants, you need to locate the source of moisture. If you cannot locate the source of moisture, you may need to call a professional.